
Neither bug or feature: Location of Librum.conf on Macos for Librum client.

MrMxyzptlk opened this issue · 3 comments

I've done a find on the entire Mac HDD and have been unable to locate the Librum.conf.
Would you kindly let me know where it resides, or if I need to create it from scratch.

I have already run the client and have been in the GUI.

Thank you.

I haven't figured it out completely just yet BUT i feel like i'm close.
/System/Volumes/Data/Users/{your username}/Library/Preferences/com.librumreader.Librum.plist

After adjusting the file nothing changes. Even changing the theme to light does nothing here. 🤷

let me know if you get it working please.

I will have access to a Mac soon and will be looking for it too then. Please keep sharing any progress you make here