[BUG] `array_submit()` fails to infer `task_ids` after the first iteration of re-running jobs
Nick-Eagles opened this issue · 0 comments
Nick-Eagles commented
After running array_submit(restore = FALSE)
for a job ID with some failed tasks, the relevant shell script will have comma-separated task IDs like #SBATCH --array=36,38,39
. However, after resubmitting those failed IDs, a follow-up execution of array_submit(verbose = TRUE)
without specifying task_ids
gives this error message:
Error in array_submit("[script name here]", verbose = TRUE) :
Failed to find the highest task of the original array job.\nPlease specify 'task_ids' explicitly, as the array does not appear to have\nbeen generated with 'job_single()'/'job_loop()' or have been run completely
In other words, the comma-separated task format is not recognized as valid, which is a bug, as it is a format produced by slurmjobs