
ERROR: Network Share failed to connect check your connection and try again

Closed this issue · 4 comments

on windows 11
WinNFSd.exe -addr K:\PlayStation\PS4!Packages\
share is accessible "CHECKED" !!

on PlayStation 4 PRO with IP
ERROR: Network Share failed to connect check your connection and try again

in WinNFSd.exe console
Port map daemon started
NFS daemon started
Mount daemon started
Listening on
Type 'help' to see help

                PORTMAP NULL
                PORTMAP GETPORT 100005 1058
                MOUNT NULL
                MOUNT MNT from
                Final local requested path:

where is the problem ???

trying to connect PS4 to nas NFS share and ... the same ???
user and pass pass disabled on NFS share NON-root access is set

I had the same issue, it's because you forgot to add a "/" at the end of your directory in the .bat file


instead of "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\PS4SHARE\PKG"

you use "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\PS4SHARE\PKG" /

and also, it seems your directory \PS4!Packages\ has a "!" instead of a " \ "

While also missing Quotation marks " " at the start and at the end of the directory

I also had this issue at first when troubleshooting issue with NFS connection to my NAS, ended up this issue is related to wsl and/or hyperv

you can try enter this command in command prompt with elevated priveledge

net stop winnat

reference: docker/for-win#3171

with / and without / the same shit !!!!

ret:10 or red: 252

This issue has been closed as WinNFSd has nothing to do with Itemzflow, if you have an issue with WinNFSd I recommend making an issue with them here, alternatively, you can try the other many paid NFS solutions for windows or try with an OS with native NFS features