
My game stuck when install the mod pls help :(

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi there! I try with latest 1.16.5 pixelmon(9.1.9) and it works well. Could u offer more details? Include but not limited to ur mod list, java version, forge version and log file.

This all mods i use but i think the reason is server cuz i use it normally in some server except complex gaming server
all of thing you mentione is last update already

This all mods i use but i think the reason is server cuz i use it normally in some server except complex gaming server image all of thing you mentione is last update already

Then that might 'cuz the server u join applies some restrict measures to Pixelmon Detector. U may not be able to use this in that server :(

dat quite sad, btw tks dor support me

dat quite sad, btw tks dor support me

Np, bro B-)