Symantec versioning containing BC breaking changes between 5.0.0 and 5.0.1
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Release versions for Patch and Minor fix ( level changes have been made with major BC breaks for Twig versions
Between v5.0.0 and v5.0.1 support for twig version 2 and 1 was dropped. By the looks of things this should have been a Major change given it contained changes that broke any backwards compact with older versions of symfony.
Possible fixes
Given v5.01 + have already been released it will be difficult to maintain any updates between versions given it is unclear if version 5.x.x should maintain twig 2 compatibility so securitiy updates / new feature can be added in to the mainline while the current v5.1+ should be moved to v6. Or the we would want to look to maintain compatibility with twig 2 in the v4 set of releases an keep v5 as is ?
Any thoughts @nacmartin @gempir 🤔