
System.Exception: DPAPI was unable to decrypt data

JiriSuster opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I really love your work. I tried to make this program undetected by sending "Login Data"-->LD and "Local State"-->LS to my server, and then passing it to rebuilded password stealer, which takes LD path and LS path as args[]. So the detected part runs on my computer. It works sometimes normally, but with some files I get this error:
Unhandled exception: System.Exception: DPAPI was unable to decrypt data. ---> System.Exception: CryptUnprotectData failed. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The key is not valid for use in the specified state    --- End of stack trace for internal exception ---    in Stealer.DPAPI.Decrypt (Byte [] cipherTextBytes, Byte [] entropyBytes, String & description)    --- End of stack trace for internal exception ---    in Stealer.DPAPI.Decrypt (Byte [] cipherTextBytes, Byte [] entropyBytes, String & description)    v Stealer.Crypt.decryptChrome (String password, String browser) in C: \ Users \ ADMIN \ Desktop \ Stealer \ Stealer \ modules \ Crypt.cs: line 71    v Stealer.Passwords.get () in C: \ Users \ ADMIN \ Desktop \ Stealer \ Stealer \ modules \ Passwords.cs: line 84    v Stealer.Program.Main (String [] args) in C: \ Users \ ADMIN \ Desktop \ Stealer \ Stealer \ Program.cs: line 26
Is there any way to solve this error? Or it just mean that we cant get passwords from LG/LS files?

Hi, add try {} catch {} it's always work for me)