
Wikilinks support?

Hackin7 opened this issue · 8 comments

Was wondering if there are any plans for this project to include wiki links support, like Obsidian

Something like this : [[link]]

Hi @Hackin7

The link system we have now works but I find it sometime a little buggy. I think it would be a nice feature to support this!

Maybe we can support both for legacy.

I made a quick plugin for this

But after making it I am not sure it's worth having. It will easily collide with [[tag]] system and other plugins. It's also not that much harder to write [Features](Features) than it is [[Features]].

What do you think @Linbreux is a plugin for it a good idea?

I second the necessity for wikilinks support. I attempted to use an Obsidian vault as Wikmd directory so that I could use both editors. But guess I need to find another app to serve my notes.


Did you try the plugin @Jerakin wrote?

You should be able to just copy the folder inside the wiki plugins folder.