
esbuild-plugin-node-externals: could not resolve dependency

Closed this issue · 2 comments

npm ERR! Found: esbuild@0.15.12
npm ERR! node_modules/esbuild
npm ERR!   dev esbuild@"^0.15.11" from the root project
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
npm ERR! peer esbuild@"^0.14.0" from esbuild-plugin-node-externals@0.3.0
npm ERR! node_modules/esbuild-plugin-node-externals
npm ERR!   dev esbuild-plugin-node-externals@"*" from the root project

same issue as #88
will try a workaround in the meantimes

another small thing with node-externals i would like to ask is if it's possible to only include the externals in specified output files

i think im not correctly understanding the purpose of the plugin...

what im trying to do:
im running some nodejs lambdas and i found using esbuild works great because it significantly reduces the size of the lambdas.
however, because im bundling the dependencies, i have certain deps that aren't playing well with esbuild and are breaking, one of which is discordjs.
my esbuild is creating taking each typescript file and bundling it up into a directory that produces index.js and
what i want to do is for the bad dependency, copy it into the directory of the file, so in this case i want

- @discordjs

to become

- discordmessage
-- index.js
-- node_modules
--- @discordjs

is this possible to accomplish with copy plugin? my build script will rm -rf the dist directory before it runs esbuild to create the new bundled files.

is there some other recommended way to workaround this issue? thank you any help would be appreciate @linbudu599