
The specified key 'address1_stateorprovince' does not exist in the ExpandoObject

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pab74 commented

Hello, now i faced this problem when mapping postalcode o stateorprovince
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************** Exception Text **************
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The specified key 'address1_stateorprovince' does not exist in the ExpandoObject.
at System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<System.String,System.Object>.get_Item(String key)
at LinkeD365.MockDataGen.MockDataGenCtl.<>c__DisplayClass29_0.<btnMockData_Click>b__1(BackgroundWorker w, DoWorkEventArgs e)
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)

Hey @pab74 I have fixed a couple of things around the display of fields and the save file, could you try version and let me know if you can repro? If so, let me know the steps or a quick screen share?

pab74 commented

Just updated to the latest version, but still have the problem

Ok, thanks @pab74 will try & repro. Without the field it is fine?

pab74 commented

Ok, worked it out. State (abbrev) has a lot of blanks, as the data from Mockaroo only populates for some countries. I need to fix the mock as it accepts a boolean for US only which I didn't realise, but need a little more time. For now, it should give you the right bits. 8.8 should be with you soon.

pab74 commented