
fhir server app error

gavin8051 opened this issue · 2 comments

I would like to inquire about an error that suddenly appeared in my IBM FHIR Server:
1.E handleRequest SRVE0315E: An exception occurred: java.lang.Throwable: javax.servlet.ServletException: Filter [FHIRRestFilter]: could not be initialized
2.Caused by: Invalid token=EOF at (line no=161, column no=5030, offset=11636). Expected tokens are: [COMMA, CURLYCLOSE]
Can anyone suggest any modifications or adjustments that can be made to address this issue?

Could you provide more details about your request? Which endpoint are you referring to, or what is the payload?

I later identified the issue. Due to problems with my configuration file modifications, I subsequently downloaded a new server configuration, and after making adjustments, it is now functioning properly. Thank you