
Support Postgres 12.x for s390X UBI Container

Opened this issue · 4 comments

We haven't been able to find an available Postgres 12.x for the 390x/Z platform.

Available options:

Our current image downloads a RPM -

The "official" image for Postgres which is supported:
Official Dockerfile:

UBI 8 Image repos:

One possible approach ? use a two stage builder image to build the "official" image and copy configs, binaries over to the UBI?

That two-stage build process was fraught with peril when trying to build the dicom server - there was a huge amount of os-level config as part of the build that just didn't work well when copying the build result to the new image, at least in that case.

A very good point! If we can't find anything in the repos perhaps we can "fork" the official docker file and update it for UBI use (microdnf vs yum/apt, etc) and just use that for our official build

@dixonwhitmire I think we can close this.

Moving to roadmap instead of closing it.