
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Argo Graph

Argo Graph is an open source container-native resource dependency analysis system for graphing Kubernetes resources and the relationships between them.

How Does It Work

It watches for resources in one or more clusters labelled with graph.argoproj.io/node. If extracts the following annotations:

  • graph.argoproj.io/edges - a comma-separated list of related nodes
  • graph.argoproj.io/label - a label for the node


In your cluster:

kubectl create ns argo-graph
kubens argo-graph
go run ./cmd cluster add k3s-default
kubectl get secret clusters -o yaml ;# should show your cluster

Start database

docker run --rm -it -p 7000:8000 -p 7080:8080 -p 9080:9080 dgraph/standalone:latest

Start server:

make start

In a new terminal:

kubectl -n default delete pod -l graph.argoproj.io/node
kubectl -n default delete cm -l graph.argoproj.io/node
kubectl -n default apply -f examples/hello-world.yaml

Open localhost:5678.


You probably want to run the UI:

yarn --cwd ui start

Open localhost:8080.
