Wrong Syntax
Opened this issue · 3 comments
MhmdRhayem commented
There is a Syntax error in line 8 in katoolin.py
raphaelmaria commented
Has anyone had this experience?
This is because I followed the step by step and when running the command, it recognizes it as unprivileged, I'm searching here, but so far I haven't found any post with correction guidance.
root@fawks:~# sudo katoolin
File "/usr/bin/katoolin", line 8
print "Sorry. This script requires sudo privledges"
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?
raphaelmaria commented
Well, I managed to solve it using this version for Python 3, I found it in another issue here on Git.
6R1MR34P3R commented
Hello having the
Well, I managed to solve it using this version for Python 3, I found it in another issue here on Git.
Hello having the same issue here, how can I fix this? Im running Debian testing