
Set Flag & linked actions blocked from being remapped in browser

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The 3 "new" set flag options and their linked shortcuts do not work in the browser. Here's a temporary fix to get the 3 new Set Flag shortcuts in the browser. I posted this solution on the addon page but still no fix yet.

add these if they don't already exit around line 125:

"window_browser flag_pink":"Ctrl+5",
"window_browser flag_turquoise":"Ctrl+6",
"window_browser flag_purple":"Ctrl+7",
add these lines at ~506:

f.actionPink_Flag.setShortcut(config_scuts["window_browser flag_pink"])
f.actionTurquoise_Flag.setShortcut(config_scuts["window_browser flag_turquoise"])
f.actionPurple_Flag.setShortcut(config_scuts["window_browser flag_purple"])

Now you can add and edit these shortcuts to your liking inside the anki Config.

Now shortcuts CTRL + 5, 6, and 7 will work in the browser correctly.