
Use raw URLs

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Liru commented

Apparently, tumblr has a size bigger than 1280, and it's raw. Update the downloader so that it tries those first.

  • Change to
  • Replace the resolution number with raw (ie, tumblr_p244atnHUp1qln62zo2_1280.jpg to tumblr_p244atnHUp1qln62zo2_raw.jpg
  • Fall back to the standard URL if the raw URL doesn't exist for some reason

hey, thanks for your app.
according to this the link might change some more:

and is also a source for raws

curiously i found some raws that have a smaller resolution than the 1280 ... these were all drawn images from 2017 though. but you might have to add an option instead of just changing the code please.

Liru commented

Closing for now, as tumblr removed the raw image workaround a while back.