Fatal error prevents mirroring: [Gfycat Unmarshal:] invalid character 'N' looking for beginning of value
Opened this issue · 3 comments
I've seen the same error complaining about 'N' on multiple blogs now. I can't tell which blogs in my lists are causing it, but it terminates the program.
After a bit of digging, it turns out that the API call I use for downloading from Gfycat was deprecated about a year and a half ago, and finally turned off about two weeks ago. The current API uses OAuth2, which I'm avoiding using because my philosophy for this program was never having to actually log in/register to download stuff.
It should be easy enough to guess the url (note: use https://[giant|fat|zippy].gfycat.com/<id>.webm
, check for XML/video responses) but at this point I'm not sure if Gfycat has some redirecting/permission stuff going on in case cookies aren't set.
Hello Liru, I just checked the source codes and noticed why the "-f" wasn't working (like the info says), it is "-force", but that's not why I am here. So, since the -force worked, finally, I also got the same error of Gfycat and the program force-closes.
Is there any way to make the program ignore the error (and also file/post if needed) and keep scrapping/downloading?
I am using the Win64 compiled version.
Thanks! And great work!
Doesn't necessarily solve the problem, but I tried this change in a fork and it let me get back to archiving: mmattice@d233cfa