
🙈 My Resume, A Beginner Level iOS Developer.



Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.

(+86)185-7665-3086 lisionmail@gmail.com


  • Near 7 Years iOS Development Experience
    • Solid knowledge about Objective-C
    • Solid knowledge about CoreAnimation & Multitasking
    • Solid knowledge about Runtime, RunLoop
    • Solid knowledge about Xcode
    • Learn about Swift, SwiftUI, RN, Flutter
  • Near 6 Years Git Command Line Experience
  • More than 1 Year C++(Qt) Cross-platform development experience
  • Self-study Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Html, CSS, Dart

Open Source Projects

LSAnimator - An easy to read and write, non-invasive multi-chain animation framework, inspired by JHChainableAnimations.


1600+ Stars

Personal Project

  • Swift Support: Swift 3.2 ~ 5.x Support.
  • Friendly Swift Interface: Added friendly Swift interface in separate framework.
  • Multi-chain Animations: Can complete all animation design needs.
  • CALayer Support: Support CALayer initialization.
  • Parameter Auto-completion: Support parameter auto-completion.
  • Support for Animation Hooks: Added pre-animation and post-animation hooks for each animation step. Added a final completion hook that fires when all animation chains have completed.
  • Non-intrusive: There is no need to make the view/layer class inherit from other base class.

WKWebViewJavascriptBridge - A Bridge for Sending Messages between Swift and JavaScript in WKWebViews.


900+ Stars

Personal Project

  • Swift Support: Swift 3.2 ~ 5.x Support.
  • High Performance: The messaging performance is higher than intercept requests.
  • High Speed: No need to consider alert box safety timeout.
  • Lightweight: This framework contains only 3 files.
  • Non-intrusive: There is no need to make the webview class inherit from other base class.

Work Projects

From 2020/06

YuanFuDao Online Education

  • Architecture Upgrade - Extraction of shell engineering and hierarchical structure design.
  • iOS Component Binarization - Reuse of compilation products reduces compilation time.
  • Accurate Testing - Detect whether the changed code is covered by the Q&A's black box test.

2018/02 - 2020/06

Takeaway Business Edition

Main Output

  • MTFlutter Dynamic (Flap) - Proxy Code Automatic Generation.
  • WMBAVKit - A library of basic capabilities for iOS video editing based on OpenGL.
  • Order module platform - Support two independent business lines for takeaway and retail.
  • Data construction of the order business line

Other Output

  • MTFlutter scaffolding, solve the environment configuration, team collaboration, version synchronization and other issues
  • Source mirroring repo, generate source code automatically in version dimension, effective improved online problem operation and maintenance timeliness
  • Order synchronization reconstruction,ensure the timing order and integrity of service links under high concurrency

Employment History

Beijing Yuanli Education Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

Learning Service iOS Team Leader 2020/06 - 2021/08 (onboarding grant option) iOS Component Manager 2021/08 - Now

  • The person in charge of Learning Service iOS Team (2020/06-2021/08), who is responsible for improving the development efficiency and delivery quality, building the team and daily management work.
  • The person in charge of the mobile component management project (2021/08-present), who is responsible for building the component management platform used by the company's multiple business lines.
  • In the fall of 2020/2021, the school recruits interviewer and social interviewer, who is responsible for checking the candidate's technical ability in combination with the interview criteria.

Beijing Sankuai Online Technology Co., Ltd.

iOS Development Engineer 2018/02 - 2018/09 iOS Senior Development Engineer(Promoted) 2018/10 - 2020/06 Historical performance during employment: S, B+, A, B+ Awarded to RSU during talent inventory

  • The person in charge of Order Module(2019/02 - 2019/11), who responsible for iOS client order module technical planning, architecture upgrade, problem handling, data construction, focusing on improving the development efficiency and output quality of the module.
  • In the spring of 2019/2020, the school/social recruits first interviewer, who is responsible for checking the candidate's technical ability in combination with the interview criteria.

Invisible Tech, Inc.

iOS Team Leader

2017/06 - 2018/02

Shenzhen Suishou Personal Finance Technology Co., Ltd.

iOS Developer

2015/10 - 2017/03

Shenzhen Kingdom Sci-Tech Co., Ltd.(SC 600446)

C & C++ Developer And Student

2014/02 - 2015/10


Inner Mongolia University(211)

Computer Science and Technology

September 2010 - June 2014


Other Information

  • CET-4
  • IMUDGES(Inner Mongolia University Developer Group of Elite Student) Android Team Leader(2012-2013)