
Minimize the cookie popup

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Currently the "allow cookies"-banner covers 16% of the website on my 4k-monitor. Please make a one liner and as small as possible.

would you be able to provide a screenshot ?
16% sounds like a lot.
Also keep in mind we have to adhere to GDPR regulations. They don't specifically (to my knowledge at least) state minimum height and width, but not sure if we can cut down much.


It's like that on all sites of


If it would be like this, it would be nice:

I see what you're saying. If only what looks nice would be the deciding factor here :)
We're probably looking at something closer to what pops up here tho:

BTW: I am wondering why we only can AGREE at the moment. Shouldn't users also have an option to disagree?