
[BUG]: Demo Site > Contributor Section not displaying all users from git-in-here.yml

Closed this issue · 5 comments


lib - Scripts used to generate content

Please describe the issue

At Demo Site > Contributors Section, the below list of contributors are not actively displaying on the website that are actively present in the git-in-here.yml; Some existing contributor image icons are not properly displaying as well.

  • username: anshika-verma05
    question: *Q1
    response: >-
    Getting into the open source is an amazing opportunity to expand our skills,work on real-world
    projects and connect with the community of passionate individuals.It's a great chance to make a
    positive impact on the world-all while learning from experienced developers.

  • username: entrerbrianup
    question: *Q1
    response: >-
    I want to get into open source to learn, contribute, and collaborate with others in the community
    and get good connection in the field of Computer science world.

  • username: GettingWeirdKnowledge
    question: *Q1
    response: >-
    I've always been fond of the way open-source indicates the strength of the masses.
    Making contributions together not only helps numerous people develop their skills but also ends up
    creating a beautiful end product and providing a sense of community and togetherness to programming.
    I couldn't manage to find time earlier but now that I have some,
    I'm excited and eager to play my part in providing contributions and sharing my knowledge.

  • username: haxybaxy
    question: *Q3
    response: >-
    My advice for someone who wants to get into open source is to JUST START. Even if you don't know anything about anything, learning will be
    so much easier when you are doing hands on work. We often think that acquiring new skills or learning something new is going to take us a lot
    of time, which discourages us, but the thing is that timewill pass anyways. Keep at it and you will achieve something great!

  • username: kiddjsh
    question: *Q1
    response: >-
    Open Source Projects will allow me to get involved within different communities
    giving me an opportunity to further develop skills, by contributing to source
    code in areas of development, documentation, bug fixes, and testing, that will
    be recognized by community members and hiring managers, which will help in
    advancing my software development career.

  • username: YashkShrivas4491
    question: *Q3
    response: >-
    Hey Folks 👋🏻💻, if don't know about open-source and how to contribute,
    don't worry you will get there just by learning,
    doing hands-on practice and sharing knowledge with others,
    I also want to say that learning in public plays a very significant
    role because it can create lots of opportunities for you.

Pre-Submission Checklist

Heya @kiddjsh
Thanks for this, could you send a screenshot for what you're seeing, as for me I can see those contributors
It could just be that the website takes a few mins to update after a PR is merged.


The only one I can see not displaying is entrerbrianup, because no GitHub user of that name exists.
@enterbrianup seems you made a typo in your username (there's an extra r) in your PR (#115)

Hey @Lissy93
Thanks for having me. I do apologize, it appears that the Demo must have been out of sync. As you said in your comment above the user image for @enterbrianup is not displaying due to a typo, however from your screenshot you can see that my contributor box isn't present.

Though, since I have this ticket open, I thought I'd ask as well with the GitHub README, Mirror Site, and Static Site. In the in this repo, it's not displaying all Contributors in the bottom section, is there a separate exercise for this, or should all Contributors in the git-in-here.yml being displaying in the bottom section as well, see snippet contributorsREADME BOTTOM?

Also, the mirror site at is not up to date, or in sync with changes in GitHub, since it's referenced, should it also be updating at the same time the GitHub repo is syncing, see snippet mirrorCodeBerg?

And, the static site appears to be out of sync as well, or it may just be other types of contributor name typos, or something else, see snippet contributorsStaticSite.

If these are separate issues you would like opened after your review, I can create new tickets. Thanks!

contributorsREADME BOTTOM

Yeah, you're right - reason being is that they're triggered by a cron job using GitHub actions (here's the workflow file for mirroring, and here's the one for inserting contributors).
So at the moment, the website and git-in-here list are updated shortly after any change is made, but the other jobs only happen weekly. We could update this so they run more often or whenever a certain file is updated, but I originally put it as weekly just so that it would cost less in compute.

Since it's run on a weekly basis, I think it would be a good idea to have the instructions updated to notate the weekly cron job process, so that contributors are not confused as to why the site isn't immediately updating. Most people would probably think they have completed a task incorrectly, if it's not immediately seen.

If you approve, I can make an update to any files, i.e., Submit your first PR (Terminal), Submit your first PR (CLI), etc. and any other templates include some kind of celebration statement of understanding that a contribution has been made but the site won't update until the weekly cron job process completes its cycle. Would need a complete list of designated files to have updated, and I could come up with some verbiage to have approved, whacha think?