How do I fix “Invalid character '' in input string at LitJson.Lexer.NextToken ()” when trying to use JSON from URL?
corbinyo opened this issue · 0 comments
corbinyo commented
When trying to use a Json file served by a url I am getting the error
JsonException: Invalid character '' in input string
it happens when I use this method:
IEnumerator GetText()
UnityWebRequest webjson = UnityWebRequest.Get("");
yield return webjson.SendWebRequest();
if (webjson.isNetworkError || webjson.isHttpError)
// The following line is giving me the error:
// ItemDatabase_+<GetText>d__3.MoveNext () (at Assets/Version2.0/Scripts/ItemDatabase_.cs:38)
itemData = JsonMapper.ToObject(webjson.downloadHandler.text);
I have tried to use Trim()
itemData = JsonMapper.ToObject(webjson.downloadHandler.text.Trim());
But still have the same result.