
Serializing Guid type throws JsonException

srprash opened this issue · 1 comments

Looking at this issue opened with our repo, I realized that LitJSON doesn't handle serializing Guid type very well and throws the following error:

Unhandled exception. LitJson.JsonException: Max allowed object depth reached while trying to export from type System.Guid
   at LitJson.JsonMapper.WriteValue(Object obj, JsonWriter writer, Boolean writer_is_private, Int32 depth) in C:\projects\litjson\src\LitJson\JsonMapper.cs:line 725
   at LitJson.JsonMapper.WriteValue(Object obj, JsonWriter writer, Boolean writer_is_private, Int32 depth) in C:\projects\litjson\src\LitJson\JsonMapper.cs:line 861
   at LitJson.JsonMapper.WriteValue(Object obj, JsonWriter writer, Boolean writer_is_private, Int32 depth) in C:\projects\litjson\src\LitJson\JsonMapper.cs:line 861
   at LitJson.JsonMapper.WriteValue(Object obj, JsonWriter writer, Boolean writer_is_private, Int32 depth) in C:\projects\litjson\src\LitJson\JsonMapper.cs:line 861

More details along with a repro code are on the issue. Let me know if there's a way to handle Guid without special casing. Would be happy to do a PR. Thanks!

I believe the general case involves models that contain public properties that are recursive.

Here's a System.Runtime type that defines a recursive structure

public readonly struct DateTimeOffset 
  /// Recursive properties below
   public static DateTimeOffset UtcNow { get; }
   public static DateTimeOffset Now { get; }



 public class ModelWithSelfReferenceProp
      public ModelWithSelfReferenceProp()
          RightNow = DateTime.Now;
      public DateTimeOffset RightNow { get; }

  public void TestShouldNotThrowError()
      var model = new ModelWithSelfReferenceProp();

Max allowed object depth reached while trying to export from type System.DateTimeOffset