
Planned macOS Support?

Closed this issue Β· 18 comments

Hi there,

Is there any planned macOS support?

I plan on backing the S1, but I can't seem to find a build guide for when I get my printer + a macOS version for converter, if not I may make one myself.


So in input I get for slices/157.png : PNG image data, 320 x 240, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced out of SLAcer.js

and as ouput slice/157.bmp : PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format, 320 x 240 x 24, image size 230400, resolution 100 x 100 px/m, cbSize 230454, bits offset 54 out of the Lite3DP GUI on Linux.

They visually look identical as I don't see any cropping or other manipulation.

So I imagine using an open-source crossplatform image conversion tool like Image Magick Convert should be enough to get the right format on MacOS. Note that the run.gcode file remains unmodified from Chitubox.

PS: The command convert 2.png BMP3:2.bmp returns a file with PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format, 320 x 240 x 24, image size 230400, cbSize 230454, bits offset 54 so it's nearly identical but still misses the property resolution 100 x 100 px/m. I noticed though in this video that Paint was used and somehow I doubt that it saves in that old format so I imagine this "should" work but I have not tested so beware.

eduo commented

Subscribing to this. It seems the format is straightforward, but rather than a converted it would be nice to know the target files requirements, so a bash script can be made for Mac.

It was a shame finding that chitubox on mac doesn't seem to slice the file into individual images directly. Did you use SLAcer.js?

Hey there!

I was emailing the creator (of the S1), and got some more details regarding the entire slicing situation.

If you're on macOS, you can use Preview's default converter. I've made a garbage converter purely for convenience, and I'll make a repository for it soon.

I also plan on revamping the f/software, as well as doing some modifications (tempted to make an ESP8266 add-on board for control via WiFi), a secondary screen, etc.

Enjoy your S1s! (if CrowdSupply shipped them, lol)

@s0urfruit definitely interested in the add-on board for control via WiFi. For now I keep an eye via a RPi Zero but I'd like to keep track of the current status with a webpage or a rest API.

It was a shame finding that chitubox on mac doesn't seem to slice the file into individual images directly.

From my investigations they stopped providing the .zip file recently but if you use e.g v1.6.5.1 you can get the zip with slices again.


I talked about a lot of issues with Alfredo Bonini over email (mentioned before) about the things I was finding and also mentioned suggestions. I mentioned this:

And for Chitubox, that’s actually a them issue. After 1.8.0 they locked it down severely; and you need to downgrade to export ZIP archives.

and this was updated on Lite3DP's website soon thereafter.

I also requested he uploads the shipped code on the Lite3DP S1, purely for having up-to-date software to modify, which he did! Instructions where also a concern of mine, and that has brought the online instructions on and the video instructions on YouTube. Overall, Alfredo is awesome and very responsive to suggestions on how to improve his wonderful project.

I do suggest you email him, rather than submitting issues on GitHub; as he's not that 'active' / responsive on GitHub.


I do suggest you email him, rather than submitting issues on GitHub; as he's not that 'active' / responsive on GitHub.

I understand the project author can decide how he wants to interact with the community. Here though I would tend to insist on doing so in the open. Not because there is anything crucial about it but because, as clearly we can see here, the community is knowledge and can help. That means being able to offload some of the work to the rest of us. If discussions happen by email then, no matter how kind of knowledgeable the project author and main maintainer is, it does create a bottleneck.


@s0urfruit Maybe this is just some big misunderstanding with the Chitubox version. (at least under Windows)
See my issue #3

Which would already be a perfect example why emails are bad, because without Github there's no way of telling you that. πŸ˜‰

On a sidenote: I also played with the thought to support a WiFi/Bluetooth-module but I don't want to spend hours of work on the firmware, while someone else already implements the same thing.
Building a small community in here would be more than awesome.

I think we've already proven that emails are bad (at least in terms of community) πŸ™ƒ

I find it weird Chitubox has blocked to exporting ZIPs via "profile only" - and just getting an older version has been (imo) a fairly-widely accepted solution. But, an edited profile to use latest features would be awesome.

I plan on making a Discord sever and a Reddit community for the S1 (and maybe any other future printers?)

On the note of upgraded firmware, it does make sense, but it shouldn't discourage you!

I'll most likely take longer with all the modifications I plan to add (hardware too), by the way.

Am back once again,

Me and @Utopiah have created a Discord.

I find it weird Chitubox has blocked to exporting ZIPs via "profile only" - and just getting an older version has been (imo) a fairly-widely accepted solution. But, an edited profile to use latest features would be awesome.

I'm pretty sure that this is just a bug by Chitubox, that older profiles aren't correctly imported/supported. At least it wouldn't make much sense to do that on purpose. πŸ˜„

Chitubox isn't really known for sense, to be honest. They're really pushing for-profit right now and every little thing they can lock, they will


Building a small community in here would be more than awesome.

That's why I launched the sub-reddit. ;) Because communities within Github Issues is not really a thing.


I think we've already proven that emails are bad (at least in terms of community) upside_down_face

I find it weird Chitubox has blocked to exporting ZIPs via "profile only" - and just getting an older version has been (imo) a fairly-widely accepted solution. But, an edited profile to use latest features would be awesome.

I plan on making a Discord sever and a Reddit community for the S1 (and maybe any other future printers?)

Discord and Reddit already exists!

Yeah, I thought the creator owned the subreddit. Guess not.

In terms of Discord, we created our own server yesterday. (~60 members and counting!)

(I think we've all agreed a GitHub issues community is impractical)

The TL;DR for using imagemagick to convert the png files you get in the zip from chitubox to the right bmp format is to put this in ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc and then you can run S1Convert where you extracted the zip:

function S1Convert() {
    mogrify -format PNG32 *.png
    mogrify -format bmp3 *.PNG32
    for f in *.bmp3; do mv -- "$f" "${f%.bmp3}.bmp"; done
    rm -f *.PNG32 *.png preview_cropping.* preview.* *.gcode

Copied from the discord here:

Thanks @s0urfruit !

Just going to close it now.