
feat(timetable): add ical URL getter

Closed this issue · 3 comments

get the url for the ical timetable that might be available in some instances that have the feature enabled (defaults to disabled)

Dans la réponse à PageEmploiDuTemps, on retrouve ParametreExportiCaldonneesSec.donnees.ParametreExportiCal.
Le format de l'url est instanceURL/pronote/ical/Edt.ics?icalsecurise=ParametreExportiCal&version=version&param=options

setLien(aSansRessource) {
const lSansRessource = !!aSansRessource ? aSansRessource : false;
    let lParams = 'fh=' + this.fuseauHoraire;
    if (!this.semainesPubliees) {
        lParams += '&d=' + GChaine.domaineToStr(GEtatUtilisateur.getDomaineSelectionne());
    if (this.genreICal) {
        lParams += '&o=' + this.genreICal;
    let lHref;
    let lInformationMasquee;
    if (!lSansRessource) {
        lHref = 'ical/' + this.getPrefixICal() + '.ics';
        lInformationMasquee = 'icalsecurise=' + this.ParametreExportICal + '&version=' + GParametres.versionPN;
    } else {
        lHref = 'ical/exportSalles.ics';
        lInformationMasquee = 'icalSansRessource=Salles&version=' + GParametres.versionPN;
    lHref = lHref + '?' + (lInformationMasquee) + '&param=' + new forge.util.ByteBuffer(lParams).toHex();
    GHtml.setLien(this.idHrefICal, lHref);
    GHtml.setValue(this.idLienPermanent, GChaine.encoderUrl(GNavigateur.getHost() + lHref));
    $('#' + this.idQRCode.escapeJQ()).html(kjua({
        render: 'image',
        size: 175,
        text: GNavigateur.getHost() + lHref

this.fuseauHoraire à l'air d'être toujours à 1

setDonnees(aElement, aParametreExportICal, aGenreRessource, aDomaine, aFiltre, aSansRessource) {
    this.element = aElement;
    this.ParametreExportICal = aParametreExportICal;
    this.genreRessource = aGenreRessource;
    this.domaine = (aDomaine !== null && aDomaine !== undefined) ? aDomaine : 0;
    this.filtre = aFiltre;
    this.semainesPubliees = true;
    this.fuseauHoraire = this.getValeurFuseauHoraireParDefaut();
getValeurFuseauHoraireParDefaut() {
    return 1;

D'après ce code, j'en déduis que EDT vaut 0 et Agenda vaut 1

    f: function(exports, require, module, global) {
        const EGenreICal = {
            EDT: 0,
            Agenda: 1
        module.exports = EGenreICal;
    fn: 'enumere_ical.js'

Donc quand on veut récupérer pour l'edt, le paramètre &o= de options est omis.


On peut donc garder une version définitive de l'url:
PS: On peut remplacé Edt.ics par Agenda.ics sans incidences.

the following is only compatible with latest version of pronote (2024) : querying PageInfosPerso (49) gives out a new JSON property iCal

"iCal": {
  "avecLienPerso": true,
  "avecAgenda": false,
  "avecEDT": true,
  "liste": {
    "_T": 24,
    "V": [
        "G": 2,
        "L": "Mes Informations",
        "P": 0,
        "paramICal": "B34F8FBE7F2BD40C3C222AEAE7A4AE7C7B7158F052BC7E7E56B186914CAE98E20C481ADB781F4BFFECD1BFFCC58062DC",
        "exportAgenda": false,
        "exportEDT": true

paramICal is the same token as the one given in PageEmploiDuTemps on property ParametreExportiCal which mean we could use that token on mobile to retrieve

also the param property can be omited

also the 2024 version shows us a new URL : /ical/mesinformations.ics?icalsecurise={paramICal}&version=2024.1.3&param=266f3d32 (param can be omited) but it's exactly the same as the Edt.ics or Agenda.ics

finally, i think the file name has absolutely no incidence on the file content : it's just the name of the file downloaded, if you need to modify the response, it all happens in the query parameters.

Implemented in 640dc01, closing this issue.


const pronote = await authenticatePronoteCredentials("", {
accountTypeID: PronoteApiAccountId.Student,
username: "demonstration",
password: "pronotevs",
// Because this is just an example, don't forget to change this.
deviceUUID: "my-device-uuid"

const information = await pronote.getPersonalInformation();

if (information.iCalToken) {
console.log("-> Timetable .ics URL:", pronote.getTimetableICalURL(information.iCalToken));

-> Timetable .ics URL: