
Expose default Jackson codec

hrothwell opened this issue · 1 comments

While switching to the new official Kotlin drivers, I realized/noted that the default codec in the official drivers does not support/use Jackson by default. If users are coming from the default codec of KMongo, which does use Jackson, it would probably be handy to easily expose / move that somewhere later on for use, building on top of it, etc.

For reference, I have a gist here with a few other details / reasonings

Thank you for sharing. If you use the kmongo jackson codec, then you use basically "all" of kmongo. You may prefer to use kmongo directly. :)

I plan to provide a tutorial to migrate code from jackson to kotlin.x serialization.
And to expose the kmongo codecs as dedicated libs, but expect low maintenance on this side.

And also, KMongo will be maintained for several years. ;)