
Not an issue; just offering help

Closed this issue · 6 comments

What a unique plugin. I'd love to see it evolve. Please let me know if I can assist in testing. /Bjarne

Thanks very much, Bjarne! :-)

You can test as I described here. I think it's working fine with cron now, so I'll close it soon I guess?

Still planning to refactor the plugin according to this proposal, but I haven't found the time yet.

If you have any comments or ideas, please let me know. 💯
Are you at WCEU soon? It'd be great to chat about it (and other stuff). :-)

Great @oldrup! Good luck with the preparation of your talk and see you at WCEU Contributor day (I am at the sustainability table :-))!

And then to answer your question: I talked to Wholegrain and they suggested the refactoring of the plugin to offload the traffic to their API. As I explain here, they do a similar thing measuring page weight using Google PageSpeed Insights’ API. If we did that, we could use a much quicker endpoint (data) which simply provides the comparison with other tested pages based on the page weight.

Also, if we have the page weight (which is very much the bottle neck to all of this kinds of analyses), we could use, for example, CO2.js instead of the website carbon API to do the measurement, but losing the comparison data. We could even keep the data of only WordPress websites/pages using the plugin and compare WP sites only. That'd of course require a similar infrastructure Wholegrain has for their carbon calculator. Maybe could provide something like this in an ideal world on the long run? :-) We can keep dreaming I guess. Anyway, I think it would be great to be able to have a view on how WP sites perform with regard to page weight/ CO2 emission and evolve over time.

Oh and indeed @oldrup, it would be great to have it in the repository, but if I am correct it cannot be a canonical plugin like this (from the Sustainability team). It is however interesting to consider submitting it as an individual and see what evolution it brings. Let’s talk about this during WCEU. :-)

Do we face any challenges if the WP Sustainability Team wants to publish the plugin at Like the Performance Team did