

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Yes, this is an issue with jsdelivr. They have a wrong url in one of their generated dynamic imports. You can fix this by adding mermaid-it-markdown to the excludedModules: list in the buildscript at ./tools/build.mjs.
@linusha I will look into if there is easy way out here, this particular package seems to cause quite a bit of a headache.

Isn't the solution quite straight forward? In any case it is of course unfortunate that the code we retrieve from the CDN is erroneous, but since one does not want to bundle mermaid in any case, isn't the problem here mainly that we have not yet put the updated build script on main but only on our dev branch? Once we "officially release", i.e., merge back into main, this should be gone for everybody, no?

I misunderstood the issue at hand.