
prepare Piao et al. (2017)

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Piao et al. "A time-sensitive historical thesaurus-based semantic tagger for deep semantic annotation"
Computer Speech & Language 46 (2017) 113-135

  1. What is this paper about?
    HTST, a semantic tagger for historical English texts based on the Historical Thesaurus of English, the UCREL NLP tools, including the spelling normalization tool VARD and the USAS semantic tagger. The disambiguation works on PoS tagging, topic and domain, manual rules. HTST also uses context-based disambiguation based on the statistical distance between the HT semantic categories and the context words, and OED sense definitions
  2. Is it relevant to our project? If so, why and how?
    Yes, they're doing what we're basically trying to do.
  3. What could we use from this work in our project?
    Al least cite it and compare their performance with ours.
  4. Add some text about it to Overleaf
  5. Plan experiments (if appropriate)
    Possibly use for comparison in Evaluation.