Soteria is a mini framework for testing website's security, including sql injection and xss testing. It also includes website scanning like ports, ip address and whois (information about registration)
sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
sudo apt-get install whois
sudo apt-get install nmap
pip install numpy
pip install Pillow
pip install nmap
pip install whois
pip install tld
pip install BeautifulSoup
pip install pycurl
If you can't install pycurl do these steps:
apt-cache depends python-pycurl
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
check if can now install pycurl
pip install pycurl
If it is not working and throws error "Cannot create wheel" or similar go further with:
apt-cache search gnutl | grep dev
sudo apt-get install libgnutls-dev
and install pycurl
pip install pycurl