

This repository is the repository used by an Argocd-backed (deployed on Openshift) gitops process.
It relies on the Kustomize format.

structure of the repository

The repositoy contains:

  • an "argocd" entry -> contains yamls to create ArgoCD Application, and yamls to create Openshift Project/Namespace
  • a "gitops" entry -> contains yaml descriptors of applications to be deployed (DC, Services, Routes...)
  • a "templates" entry -> a template describing the expected (kustomize-compatible) directory struture for one app under the "gitops" entry
  • a "pipelines" entry -> directories containing tekton pipelines, tasks and triggers

gitops model

The "gitops" directory is the main entry for the applications to be deployed.
It contains one subdirectory for each "environment" (Openshift project) : dev, int, qa, prod...
It corresponds to one ArgoCD Application that will synchronize the entire content.
With that structure, a quick look at the repository / Argocd Application in the UI tells about which applications have been deployed in which environment and when.
At the moment the demo only illustrate 2 environments: development and integration


   |- development

        |- application1
        |- application2
        |- application3
   |- integration

        |- application1
        |- application2

application example

The "pipelines" directory contains the files needed to create the tekton pipelines that will build & deploy the application store in:

There are 2 pipelines:

  • The quarkus-builddeploy pipeline ; which is technology-specific (for example java-quarkus) and triggered on 'git push'
  • The promote2integration pipeline ; which is technology agnostic and triggered manually

Automated testing is the key element to join the 2 pipelines and complete a DevOps process

The 'buildeploy' pipeline orchestrates the following tasks:

  • clone the git repository (there are also a Trigger, TriggerBindings and EventListener to launch the pipeline automatically on push events)
  • build the code using "mvn package"
  • build the image using buildah, relying on the Dockerfile present within the application repository
  • uses 'jq' utility to manipulate the openshift objects stored in target/kubernetes/openshift.json (and generated automatically by "mvn package" thanks to the Quarkus Openshift plugin)
  • pushes the json objects related to the deployment to this gitops repository (dev entry), using the content of the 'templates' directory as a template.

The 'promote2integration' pipeline:

  • promote the image to integration using 'oc tag'
  • copy the application structure from 'dev' to 'int' subdirectories within this GitOps repo

points of improvement

  • the first environment should be named different than 'development'
  • the promote2integration task promotes images of 'latest' tag. The pipeline should start from a plain git tag version.

running the demo


CI/CD pipeline


  • Openshift / CodeReady container (Openshift Local) --version 4.8
  • Openshift gitops installed with the operator (thus, argocd running in openshift-gitops namespace)
  • A pre-existing "pipelines" namespace
  • Pre-existing "development" and "integration" namespace


  • fork this repo and clone it
  • modify the argocd/dev-app.yaml and argocd/int-app.yaml so that it targets your gitops-demo repo
  • create the argocd application that will synchronize your gitops-demo repo with your openshift cluster
    oc apply -f argocd/dev-app.yaml oc apply -f argocd/int-app.yaml

creation of the pipelines

create the pipeline tasks:

  • oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/tasks/maven-task-custom.yaml
  • oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/tasks/deploy/deploy-argocd-dev.yaml
  • oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/tasks/deploy/deploy-argocd-int.yaml
  • oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/tasks/buildah-task-custom.yaml
  • oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/tasks/jq/jq-task-custom.yaml

tasks configuration

  • buildah
    The buildah task can push an image to the same namespace as where the buildah task is running, thus 'pipelines'.
    To push to another namespace ('development') it requires permission that are granted by running:
    oc adm policy add-role-to-user registry-editor system:serviceaccount:pipelines:pipeline

  • jq
    The image used by the jq task (containing the 'jq' utility) can be built with the dockerfile:
    buildah bud -t jq:latest pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/tasks/jq/Dockerfile-jq

The jq tasks executes the script pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/tasks/jq/
This script is injected into the task as a ConfigMap
oc create cm jq-script --from-file pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/tasks/jq/
oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/workspaces/jq-cm.yaml

  • deploy-argocd-dev and deploy-argocd-int
    To push to github requires a personal access token included as part of the push URI
    This information is propagated to the task using a Secret
    Prepare a file with the URL of the gitops-demo github repository (
    Then run
    oc create secret generic git-secret --from-file

persistent workspaces

The pipeline uses a workspaces for the data (git clone) which should be a PVC:
oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/workspaces/pipeline-pvc.yaml

The maven task uses an extra PVC to cache downloaded maven artefacts:
oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/workspaces/maven-pvc.yaml


Create the artefacts:
oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/trigger/github-push-custom-triggerbinding.yml
oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/trigger/github-push-triggertemplate.yaml
oc apply -f pipelines/quarkus-pipeline/trigger/github-push-eventlistener.yaml

Then create the github webhook that points to the Openshift Route created by the EventListener.