
Test code for NTIRE 2019. Two tracks here: RSR and DN(sRGB)

Primary LanguageShell

One-click script

Make sure you are in the root folder. You should also havepython>=3.6, tensorflow(-gpu)>=1.12.0 and pytorch>=1.0.0 installed manually.

Before running one_click_ntire19_rsr.sh for Real Image Super Resolution, set two paths: RSR_TEST_DIR for testing images and RSR_SAVE_DIR for saving results.

It's recommended to use absolute path.

. one_click_ntire19_rsr.sh

Before running one_click_ntire19_drn.sh for sRGB Image Denoising, set two paths: DRN_TEST_MAT for testing mat file and DRN_SAVE_DIR for saving results.

It's recommended to use absolute path.

. one_click_ntire19_drn.sh

You can also do it step-by-step as follows.

Step by step reproduce instructions

  1. Install the whole VSR package and its requirements:

    git clone https://github.com/LoSealL/VideoSuperResolution -b ntire_2019 && cd VideoSuperResolution
    pip install -e .

    Note that you should pre-install tensorflow and pytorch.

  2. Download the pre-trained model:

    *make sure you are in the root folder.

    For Real Image Super-Resolution

    python prepare_data.py --filter=rsr -q

    For sRGB Real Image Denoising (Track #2: sRGB)

    python prepare_data.py --filter=drn -q

    Model url for manually download:

  3. Prepare testing data:

    *make sure you are in the root folder.

    For RSR:

    You need to crop images into small patches by:

    python VSR/Tools/DataProcessing/NTIRE19RSR.py --ref_dir=path/to/test/data/folder --patch_size=768 --stride=760 --save_dir=path/to/saving/folder

    For sRGB Denoising:

    You need to convert .MAT file to png images by:

    python VSR/Tools/DataProcessing/NTIRE19Denoise.py --validation=path/to/.MAT --save_dir=path/to/saving/folder
  4. Predicting

    *make sure you are in the root folder.

    For RSR: Entering VSRTorch folder

    cd VSRTorch
    python eval.py rsr --cuda -t=/path/to/divided/test/images/folder --pth=../Results/rsr/save/rsr_ep2000.pth --ensemble

    The output will be saved in ../Results/rsr/<your-image-folder-name>. To combine them back together:

    cd ..
    python VSR/Tools/DataProcessing/NTIRE19RSR.py --ref_dir=path/to/test/data/folder --patch_size=768 --stride=760 --results=Results/rsr/<your-image-folder>/ --save_dir=path/to/saving/folder

    Where --ref_dir should keep the same as the folder in step 3, it's a reference to know how to combine patches. --patch_size and --stride should also keep the same.

    For sRGB Denoising: Entering VSRTorch folder

    cd VSRTorch
    python eval.py drn --cuda -t=/path/to/divided/test/images/folder --pth=../Results/drn/save/drn_ep2000.pth --output_index=0 --ensemble

    The output will be saved in ../Results/drn/<your-image-folder-name>. To pack them into mat file:

    cd ..
    python VSR/Tools/DataProcessing/NTIRE19Denoise.py --results=Results/drn/<your-image-folder-name> --save_dir=path/to/saving/folder

    *If OOM happened, try not to enable --cuda flag.