AWS Transit Gateway Egress Vpc Demo
Author : Shakeel Ahmad | AWS Cloud Architect | Email :
This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.
In this lab we will learn how to build and run a centralised NAT/Egress proxy solution using Transit Gateway. We'll start building with Egress VPC / Transit Gateway artifacts and in second phase, we'll build a Spoke VPC to test the reachability.
The diagram below illustrates the high level architecture the lab will be using.
Let's get started
- Clone the repo (Optional)
Following are the key Cloud Formation Templates we'll use in this lab:
File name | Purpose | Quick Launch |
egress-vpc.yaml | This template creates all necessary resources required for Egress VPC including TGW, Route Partitions, Route Tables, Attachments as well as squid based proxy servers in each AZ. | |
spoke-vpc.yaml | This template will create a Spoke VPC in the same account and attachg it to TGW as well as update the route tables where necessary. | |
Architecture: |
Step-1 : Create Egress VPC & TGW resources
Command Line:
Note: Ensure that the role you are assuming via CLI has appropriate permissions to perform below tasks.
aws cloudformation create-stack --template-url --stack-name TGW-Egress-VPC-V1 --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --region us-east-1
Web Console:
Go to Cloud Formation on the AWS Web console.
Download the latest template (or clone the repo itself):
Switch to US East (N. Virginia)
Click on "Create Stack"
Choose "Upload a template to Amazon S3", select "egress-vpc.yaml" and press Next.
For Stack Name, enter : TGW-Egress-VPC-V1 (or you can choose your own - but make a note of it).
Leave rest of the parameters as it is. By default, we'll select latest Amazon Linux AMI, Deploy the solution in 2 AZs as well as use as the CIDR block for Egress VPC.
Click Next, accept all the defaults options and click Next to review screen.
On Review page, select "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources."
Click Create to start the build.
Wait for Step 1 to be completed. Once completed, start Step 2.
Step-2 : Create Spoke VPC & Test resources
Command Line: Note: Ensure that the role you are assuming via CLI has appropriate permissions to perform below tasks.
aws cloudformation create-stack --template-url --stack-name TGW-Spoke-VPC-V1 --parameters ParameterKey=ParentStackName,ParameterValue=TGW-Egress-VPC-V1 --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --region us-east-1
Web Console:
If not already - Go to Cloud Formation on the AWS Web console.
Download the latest template (or clone the repo itself):
Click on "Create Stack"
Choose "Upload a template to Amazon S3", select "spoke-vpc.yaml" and press Next.
For Stack Name, enter : TGW-Spoke-VPC-V1 (or you can choose your own).
For "ParentStackName" : Enter "TGW-Egress-VPC-V1" or the choosen previously created egress VPC stack name in Step 1.
Leave rest of the parameters as it is.
Click Next, accept all the defaults options and click Next to review screen.
On Review page, select "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources."
- Click Create to start the build.
- Once the build is complete, click on "Outputs" window & note down "myEC2TestInstance" value. This is the test instance inside the VPC we'll use to test reachabaility.
Step-3 : Test & Play !
Go to Systems Manager on the AWS Web console in the same region.
- Click on "Session Manager" under "Actions"
- Click on "Start Session"
In "Start the session", choose the Target Instance (Name: SpokeTestInstance) as noted from the output of Step 2 & press Start Session.
A terminal session would open in a new window.
In Systems Manager Window, repeat the above process to launch terminal for Proxy Instance in the same AZ as Test Instance.
- Enter following command on proxy servers to monitor the squid logs:
- sudo tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log
Verify Internet on Test Instance:
In Terminal Session window for Test Instance, now you can test the internet reachability via following shell commands:
- ping
- links
- links
- links
- NOTE: The Public IP Address displayed would be the NAT-GW from Egress VPC.
Switch back to proxy servers and confirm that the request to is showing up in logs.
- Perform other connectivity tests if required.
Step-4 : Clean up (Estimated Duration - 5 mins)
Command Line:
Note: Ensure that the role you are assuming via CLI has appropriate permissions to perform below tasks.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name TGW-Spoke-VPC-V1 --region us-east-1
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name TGW-Egress-VPC-V1 --region us-east-1
Web Console:
Go to Cloud Formation on the AWS Web console.
- Select "TGW-Spoke-VPC-V1" and select "Delete Stack" from actions. Confirm the deletion by selecting Yes.
- Once Spoke VPC Stack is deleted, select "TGW-Egress-VPC-V1" stack and select "Delete Stack" from actions. Confirm the deletion by selecting Yes.
- Above steps should delete all resources created as part of this lab.
Learn more about TGW:
- Introducing AWS Transit Gateway (NET331)
- AWS Transit Gateway & Transit VPCs, Ref Arch for Many VPCs (NET402),
- VPC Fundamentals and Connectivity Options (NET201)