
Translations not updating in daemon -b mode, puma requires restart to pick up new translations

cannikin opened this issue · 5 comments

Running Rails 5 + Puma in production. I'm running localeapp daemon -b in the background, but new translations never seem to get picked up. Looking at config/locales/en-US.yml shows no changes.

However, running localeapp daemon (in the foreground) I can see that it updates the file as expected:

ubuntu@qa:/var/www/current$ bin/localeapp daemon
Localeapp update: checking for translations since 1481071420
Found and updated new translations
Localeapp update: checking for translations since 1481072067
No new translations

Although they don't show on the site until I restart puma.

Any ideas? Or any more debugging I can do to help troubleshoot?

Hi @cannikin,

Can you post the output of the localeapp daemon command in production?

The output above actually is from our "prod" server (technically we consider it QA but the environment setup is same as Rails prod).

Do you want a longer sample of the output? Or is there a way I can get output from -b mode in a log file perhaps?

vayan commented

Hello @cannikin, could you show me your Localeapp config? So I can try to reproduce the issue using the same one.

AHHH, my fault, config.reloading_environments wasn't set to include 'qa'. :(

Not sure why I wasn't seeing any updates with -b either, but I tried again this morning and everything is fine. Sorry to sound the alarm!