
Installing through recommended script fails on Linux (Mint 21.2) x86_64 system

turbo-time opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
Running the recommended installation script (curl | bash script) fails for my architecture of x86_64.

OS: Linux Mint 21.2 x86_64

The full message returned to the terminal is:

Detect Platform and Architecture
bash: line 25: [[x86_64: command not found
Detected linux x86_64

Found latest release at 
No release found for platform: linux

To Reproduce
To reproduce this behavior, attempt to run the installation script on a system that will return "x86_64" as the architecture variable in the installation script.

Expected behavior
The installation script should work normally for systems that return x86_64 as the architecture.

Additional context
Hard coding the installation script to use "amd64" as the architecture made it work correctly. One possible fix would be to check for "x86_64" and change it to "amd64" within the script.

One additional note: my system doesn't register the "anyflip-downloader" command after the installation moves it into /root/.local/bin . Moving it into /usr/bin worked for me.

The script should work now, though I can't test it right now.

Concerning your last point, you should never execute such scripts as root, and someone doing so is unexpected behavior. When installing with your normal user, the install directory should be fine.

i have the same problem on linux. The same message on the terminal

The error ./ line 25: [[x86_64: command not found is related to the missing spaces after "[[" and before "]]"; I opened a pull request to fix it.
But you can easily fix it by editing line 25 as: if [[ "$architecture" == "x86_64" ]]; then.