
Field's implement traits check fails when using local checkout of bytemuck

Closed this issue · 2 comments

That is, when we're using path in Cargo.toml to point at a local checkout.

Specifically when the fields are types from glam. Which is on bytemuck version 1.4. Everything's dandy if the field types are locally definded.

minmal reproduction repo

Intended behavior? Anything I can do?

I think this has to do with there being two versions of bytemuck: https://github.com/skorpi-and-friends/bytemuck_glam_test/blob/main/Cargo.lock#L5-L16

  • glam is implementing the crates.io version
  • you're trying to implement the path version

These are "not actually the same", under cargo compatibility law.

Makes sense. I'll clone glam and carry on. Thank you.