
Upscale Your Manga and Comic Collection with the Power of PowerShell and waifu2x

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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A simple powershell script to upscale your commic & manga library. It uses waifu2x to upscale your .cbz and .cbr files.

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How to use

  1. Download the current version of the script
  2. Edit the script variables to your needs
  3. Run the Script and select the folder with your comics (.\ComicScaler.ps1)
  4. Wait for the script to finish


The script allows you to configure multiple variables to your needs. You can find them at the top of the script.

Optional changes:

  • $waifu2xArguments - Change the upscaler arguments (default arguments are best if you don't know what you are doing)
  • $upscaleName - If you want don't want to overwrite your original files, you can change the name of the upscaled files (default: _upscaled - e.g. comic.cbz -> comic_upscaled.cbz). Leave empty to overwrite the original files.
  • $deleteOriginal - If you want to delete the original files after upscaling, set this to $true (default: $false)
  • $recursiveLookup - Will try to upscale all files in subfolders (default: $false)
  • $showWaifu2xOutput - Will show an additional window with the waifu2x output (default: $false)
  • $use7zip - Uses 7zip to zip/unzip the files instead of the built-in PowerShell function (default: $true). This is faster and allows for a higher compression rate and better compatibility with other zip formats. If you don't have 7zip installed, set this to $false and the script will use the built-in powershell function.

Before & After

Before After
250KB 2.780KB
