
NuGet package for OC 1.0?

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Is there a NuGet package for OC 1.0?

Not yet but we're working on it. Stay tuned!

We've published a preview NuGet package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Lombiq.HelpfulExtensions/ Could you check, please?

Yes. I just started a new project and will start this today.

@Piedone I removed my submodules and added the Nuget package but I no longer see the features available.

Hmm, it really should work. Do you have any errors in the log? Also, note that our packages require Orchard 1.2.1 or later.

Hmm odd. I must have mucked something up while removing the submodules but I think it looks good now!

Great then!

Note that we're still working on NuGet publishing. We'll have proper releases, and most of our projects will have a version number of at least 1.0 since most of them have long been production-ready. So, things may change but it's pretty certain that the Lombiq.HelpfulExtensions package will remain (and you'll notice updates).

Let me keep this open until the corresponding PR is merged.

That sounds good. My project will take several months so I've got time to continue testing as new versions become available.