
Feature Request: More aggressive no more move detection

bangzek opened this issue · 4 comments

Whats really annoying me is I have to think to place one or two piece but there is no way to win for the last piece.

but there is no way to win for the last piece.

Hmm, wouldn't it feel a bit strange to let the users see available room for some of their pieces but still terminate the game so seemingly early?

Initial thoughts below
Sometimes*, may I add. This is not as trivial as it seems because I would have to check for every position, every piece, and it fits, calculate what would happen (it could potentially clear some rows!), and then on all the now available free spaces, check again for the remaining pieces.

Sure, it's not that hard, but it sounds slightly more computationally expensive to me.

Actually I could just stop checking whether a move is available after I find one so it wouldn't be that expensive…

farac commented

That would also block you from earning score for those blocks you can place, if those clear anything without helping you place all 3 pieces, if I'm not misreading your post.

That's correct @farac, I missed that point. I don't feel like the game should take control and play itself to finish + get the score.

Closing due to inactivity. it wouldn't be hard to implement but neither be trivial. Also it would be less fun. It's more exciting to wait for the last movement in my opinion, not "randomly" finishing early.