
Time mode is not challenging enough

StefanBrand opened this issue · 19 comments

I believe the time bonus is 5 seconds? It seems a bit too much and you usually loose because there is no space anymore and not because time runs out. Maybe 3 seconds time bonus is sufficient?

Time mode is not challenging enough

Completely agree! I'm not sure how it should be done though? Maybe less start time? Or less bonus? Should put pieces count? Should clearing strips give seconds differently than how it scores on the normal mode? Won't other users find it way too hard, or should it really be very challenging? Should the background blink on red like an alarm running low to make you rush?

I believe the time bonus is 5 seconds?

Heh, not so simple. Time bonus is currently 1 second every 4 cells (either put, or cleared). This means when you clear a single strip it will as little add 2.75s.

What if only cleared cells counted in time mode?

It would definitely make it more challenging, Hmm. 10 points (from clearing strip) = 2 seconds perhaps? Should the starting time be modified too? Because it takes a while to do some strips and that.

If you like you can send me a beta build and I'll try it out! :)

I did think about you testing it. But more like you playing with the values perhaps? Until you got a good feel of it. Anyway I do need to tweak some stuff so only the strips score. Not a big deal but it does need to be done. I have to play with the values a bit more.

Can only test ready-made builds and give feedback atm

Uploaded them to Google Drive, both for Android and desktop. I recommend you to test the desktop build, because the .apk file will have a different signature than F-Droid's and you would have to uninstall and lose your high score etc.

Edit: By the way, should the scoring system be left equal, but only with time? Like currently the score equals how long you've survived, not the score. Perhaps it's better to count the normal score and the time only to make it (a lot) more challenging.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean with the scores... :/

I didn't get around to test your debug build, but I played 0.3 and found it a lot better at start. Later on, the time rises fast and it's not challenging, if you have 100 seconds "in stock".

I didn't get around to test your debug build

I was just playing around with the new values and it's a bit crazy. Like, I like it's so challenging. If you manage to clear 3/4 strips you get a lot ("a lot") of time, so you either clear a lot often, or plan to do a big one. I don't know. It's too challenging (and I'm using a mouse). But if I pump up the time to 3 seconds per strip, then it feels easy. Not sure. But really, people who plays this new mode should not get stressed easily or they'll go mad.

Isn't the purpose of a time mode to "go mad"? :D

Isn't the purpose of a time mode to "go mad"? :D

Yeah but kinda sucks if you don't even manage to clear a strip!

Wrong button.

What if countdown starts at 30 seconds?

But then you get less time later on?

What if countdown starts at 30 seconds?

I tried. 30 feels too high. 20 feels to low. I don't like 25. We have a problem here :/

What about an easy, a moderate and a hard mode?

What about an easy, a moderate and a hard mode?

Not seeing it coming.

Who is the target group of the time mode then? The casual player or the
advanced player, who searches for a more challenging game?

I think it should just be challenging. Could you test the build?

Gotta change the scoring system now, rather than time alive, the pieces score. I think it's more fair.

Edit: Alright awesome, 26eb958.