
"Ansible - Zero To Hero" a comprehensive guide to get started with Ansible

🚀 Ansible Zero to Hero

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A comprehensive guide to mastering Ansible for DevOps Engineers

📚 Overview

Welcome to Ansible Zero to Hero, your one-stop resource for learning and mastering Ansible! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced DevOps engineer, this repository has everything you need to automate your infrastructure with Ansible.

This guide covers:

  • Installation: Step-by-step instructions for getting Ansible up and running.
  • Hosts Configuration: How to set up and manage your inventory.
  • Ad-Hoc Commands: Quick and powerful commands for one-time tasks.
  • Playbooks: Automate complex tasks with reusable Ansible playbooks.
  • Real-World Examples: Practical examples to help you apply what you've learned.