CTD on 4.11 - fixed in later releases?
Closed this issue · 2 comments
1. Mod Version (4.11). Current Version: 4.13.1
_2. DirectX Version_10/11
3. List of Other Mods
(1) Community Patch
(2) Vox Populi
(3a) VP -EUI Compatibility Files
(4a) Squads for VP (DISABLED)
(over) More Unique Components for VP (v 88)
asum4roll's Unit Supply for VP
4. Describe the Issue
CTD in between Germany and Shoshone turns. Not sure if its relevant, but the screen always appears to be on my Ironclad up in Washington's territory that gets sunk, then CTD.
5. Save Game From 1 Turn Before (ALWAYS ATTACH THIS IF POSSIBLE)
8. Steps to reproduce the Issue (Optional)
Hit "Next Turn" on Turn 811 save. On 810, I mostly just continued seiging the Shoshone capital, as well as promoting my Ironclad thats up in Washington's sea space up to the north of the map. On turn 811 the ship is sunk and the game CTDs, though I do not know if that is a coincidence or not.
9. Screenshots of the Issue (Optional)
minidump is unclear
looks like a null CvPlayer pointer
int CvPlayer::CountAllPlotType(PlotTypes iPlotType)
int iCount = 0;
int iLoop = 0;
--> for (CvCity* pLoopCity = firstCity(&iLoop); pLoopCity != NULL; pLoopCity = nextCity(&iLoop)) {
iCount += pLoopCity->CountPlotType(iPlotType);
return iCount;
but callstack is all over the place and implausible
00 0010f5a4 64b38341 CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvPlayer::CountAllPlotType+0x2b [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvplayer.cpp @ 47688]
01 0010f680 64b386b4 CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDealAI::GetThirdPartyPeaceValue+0x701 [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdealai.cpp @ 2736]
02 0010f6f0 64b3bfaf CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDealAI::GetThirdPartyPeaceValue+0xa74 [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdealai.cpp @ 2831]
03 0010f718 64b3cc32 CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDealAI::DoAddRevokeVassalageToThem+0xf [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdealai.cpp @ 8027]
04 0010f778 64b3c8d5 CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDealAI::GetRequestForHelpResponse+0x372 [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdealai.cpp @ 6416]
05 0010f7f0 64b449d9 CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDealAI::GetRequestForHelpResponse+0x15 [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdealai.cpp @ 6355]
06 0010f83c 64b174dc CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDangerPlots::ShouldIgnoreCity+0x19 [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdangerplots.cpp @ 509]
07 0010f858 64b1eb23 CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDiplomacyAI::DoContactMinorCivs+0xb2c [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdiplomacyai.cpp @ 32970]
08 0010f880 64b1f03c CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDiplomacyAI::DoStartCoopWar+0x113 [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdiplomacyai.cpp @ 9702]
09 0010f8cc 64b1f8eb CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDiplomacyAI::DoStartCoopWar+0x62c [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdiplomacyai.cpp @ 9656]
0a 0010f8e0 649adffb CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDiplomacyAI::DoUpdatePeaceTreatyWillingness+0x53b [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdiplomacyai.cpp @ 25862]
0b 0010f9a8 649ae59b CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvPlayer::DoLiberatePlayer+0xb0b [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvplayer.cpp @ 8772]
0c 0010fa28 64a689f8 CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvPlayer::DoLiberatePlayer+0x10ab [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvplayer.cpp @ 8915]
0d 0010fb38 64a6cfb4 CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvGame::InitMap+0x108 [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvgame.cpp @ 537]
0e 0010fbdc 64aa49af CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvEventLog::Add+0x114 [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cveventlog.cpp @ 85]
0f 0010fbe8 00e08c4a CvGameCore_Expansion2!CvDllDatabaseUtility::ValidateGameDatabase+0x5af [c:\repos\civ-vp\cvgamecoredll_expansion2\cvdlldatabaseutility.cpp @ 585]
Unable to load the save.