
Whenever someone tries to take Carthage, the game hangs

Closed this issue · 4 comments

4.15.2 and 43 CIV with EUI

DX 10 & DX 11

Game stalls during/at the end of Morocco's turn (He first asks for a trade), most likely while he takes Carthage. It does not crash.

Elizabeth_0843 AD-1824.zip


Does not apply.

Click next turn. Or do ctrl+shift+p until you play India or Morocco who can take Carthage on that turn.


I tried to reload older saves, but it always hangs on the same turn. I also tried making different decisions, and declaring war on Morocco and see if that would change anything.
I tried also with turning of the Unit scaling mod, but that doesn't affect the outcome.

Discord user from the VP channel Daniel S PoA also tried my save and couldn't complete the turn.

My game is also crashing on Morocco's turn. Hanging up on turn 316.

Mod list:
Screenshot 2024-08-14 174957
Screenshot 2024-08-14 175029
Screenshot 2024-08-14 175046

Thanks to @Hokath , I found the ctrl+shift+p hotkey, and I found that whenever someone takes Carthage, the game hangs. This is probably what happens during Morocco's turn, as he is able to take it right then. I tried to take Carthage with India who can also do it on that turn, and then it also hangs.

Maybe you can try something similar @elunomagnifico