Last UEFIFormSet at end of file
DeathBringer opened this issue · 5 comments
DeathBringer commented
If last UEFIFormSet is at the end of the file, then it is considered incorrect and dropped.
This also applies to UEFIStringPackages
Replace in file UEFI.cpp
16) < buffer.size()
16) <= buffer.size()
vit9696 commented
There are two findings of 16) < buffer.size
in UEFI.cpp, and even if there were less, the description is not clear enough in regards to the bug. Could you provide a test file?
DeathBringer commented
Patch two cases.
Attach source (binary) & result (text) file and I'll show you a bug.
vit9696 commented
I am afraid you forgot to include the attachments.
DeathBringer commented
No, I'm waiting attachments from you.
vit9696 commented
Saw it & fixed.