
updates to temporal relations

smrgeoinfo opened this issue · 4 comments

Review temporal relations to align with OWL Time and relations extension.

updates are being made in https://github.com/Loop3D/GKM/tree/TemporalRelationUpdates branch; a pull request will follow.

timeMeets is currently sub property of timeDisjoint, but should not be. Disjoint is only olderThan or youngerThan; boundary points cannot overlap (as in meets). OWL time interprets 'meets' to mean the boundary between the intervals is coincident. Meets/MetBy are thus subproperties of timeIntersects but not of timeDisjoint.

for relations like 'stratOverlies' need an objectProperty that subsumes timeMetBy and timeYoungerThan.
We currently have a 'timeYoungerThan' property with subproperties timePrecededBy, crosscuts, overprints, and stratOverlies.
The comment on timeYoungerThan correlates it with Allen 'After' relation. timePrecededBy is modeled as a subproperty of timeDisjoint, i.e. the boundary instants of the two intervals are distinct, so this property matches Owl time time:after (which has subproperty time:intervalAfter.

leave timeYoungerThan as property corresponding to Allen 'After' and time:after. Add scope notes on timePrecededBy, defining it to be parent property for timeYoungerThan and for timeMetBy. Follow same pattern for timePrecedes.

add mapping to W3C OWL time properties using rdfs:seeAlso. add rdfs:label for properties using the Allen names

gsoc:timeIntersects maps to time:notDisjoint. Make this property disjoint with gsoc:time:Disjoint

gsoc:timeIncluedBy and gsoc:timeIncludes are both subproperties of gsoc:timeIntersects.

Action-- rearrange property hierarchy