
mpl3115.c uses `double`

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I was compiling my code with -Wdouble-promotion and noticed these warnings:

[...]/src/peripherals/mpl3115.c: In function 'MPL3115ReadBarometer':
[...]/src/peripherals/mpl3115.c:266:51: warning: implicit conversion from 'float' to 'double' to match other operand of binary expression [-Wdouble-promotion]
         float decimal = ( ( float )( lsb >> 4 ) ) / 16.0;
[...]/src/peripherals/mpl3115.c:275:42: warning: implicit conversion from 'float' to 'double' to match other operand of binary expression [-Wdouble-promotion]
         float decimal = ( ( float )lsb ) / 4.0;

Assuming those are not intentional, it should be 16.0f / 4.0f instead.