
LmHandlerInit causing some current leakage till the first tx

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i was making power profiling and i found there is always a leakage before first Transmission "doesn't matter it's a join or anything else".
After first transmission everything turns to be fine. I am using LmHandlerInit to init mac, i found that after setting public network param leakage occurs which seems to be writing on radio and radio doesn't go to sleep after it when i removed this part issue solved.
Here's the code line 328:

mibReq.Param.EnablePublicNetwork = LmHandlerParams->PublicNetworkEnable;

I think the solution is to sleep radio at the end of LmHandlerInit.
2 images attached for the power profiling. Power seems to be higher than usual because i am having some extra hw connected

lorawan after first tx
Lorawan before first tx

After tracing. In loramac.c file line 4686:
Nvm.MacGroup2.PublicNetwork = mibSet->Param.EnablePublicNetwork;
Radio.SetPublicNetwork( Nvm.MacGroup2.PublicNetwork );
setting this command in radio wakes it up so we should be sleeping radio after this
Same on Restoring NVM line 3512:
// The public/private network flag may change upon reloading MacGroup2
// from NVM and we thus need to synchronize the radio. The same function
// is invoked in LoRaMacInitialization.
Radio.SetPublicNetwork( Nvm.MacGroup2.PublicNetwork );
If i added Radio.sleep()
Everything works fine

lff5 commented

I have the same issue with Restoring from NVM. Radio.sleep() must be called afterwards.

Still not solved!