
Warning, cannot convert 0_master.hkx because <SSE hkx animation>

Closed this issue · 3 comments

J7mbo commented

I'm trying to convert USSEP. I'm following a guide.

When it comes to using Skyrim-NX-toolkit, I have followed your instructions to place HavokBehaviorPostProcess.exe directly in the Utilities directory. However when running CONVERT_MOD, the error in the title is still shown. Screenshot:



Looked through the code and found this:

# behaviors HKX (i.e: 0_master.hkx and 1hm_behavior.hkx) usually under a behaviors folder

... so I have literally no idea what "you can fish 32 bit equivalent" means, and where I would place these files etc.

Please ensure you correctly followed the steps. Cannot reproduce:

  1. Download USSEP;
    2 Download USLEP and ensure you unarchive the BSA;
    3 Run the Command;

Results using latest version:

Starting up...
toolkit.exe is set at "D:\WORK\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit\Scripts\dist\toolkit.exe"
texconv.exe exists in Utilites path
texdiag.exe exists in Utilites path
nvddsinfo.exe exists in Utilites path
Skyrim-NX-Toolkit v2.3.0, sys.argv <['D:\WORK\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit\Scripts\dist\toolkit.exe', 'convert_mod', 'd:\USSEP', 'd:\USSEP_ConvertedAndPacked', 'd:\USLEP']>
Logger Initialised d:\USSEP.log
Timer Started 2019-03-27 19:18:41
Skyrim-NX-Toolkit v2.3.0 - convert_mod
Convert Mod, ToolkitPath is D:\WORK\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit
Convert Mod, create empty folder at target
Unpacking USSEP
Found 0 BSAs & 5838 loose files
Copied 5838/5838
Reconcile HKX
Matched 7/7 hkx files in the mod
Reconciled 7/7
Convert Path
Found 200 dds files to convert
Found 7 32-bit hkx files to convert
Found 0 64-bit hkx files to convert

J7mbo commented

@ThyWoof I followed your command, thanks for clearing this up, with both USSEP and then USLEP (dirs having been unpacked first with bsarch).

However, there's no ESP file generated. Looks like the error is:

There's a plugin-like path in your data, but no ESP matching it or listing it as a merge parent

Note: I'm using the python version as exes wouldn't work (complaining about a missing python lib). Regardless, this shouldn't affect it. Here's the output:

C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST>PY_CONVERT_MOD.BAT C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST\USSEP_OLDRIM C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST\USLEEP_OLDRIM
Starting up...
toolkit.py is set at "C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST\Scripts\toolkit.py"
Finding Python 3.x path
Python 3.7.3
Python is installed
PYTHON3 is C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe
texconv.exe exists in Utilites path
texdiag.exe exists in Utilites path
nvddsinfo.exe exists in Utilites path
Skyrim-NX-Toolkit v2.3.1, sys.argv <['C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST\Scripts\toolkit.py', 'convert_mod', 'C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST\USSEP_OLDRIM', 'C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST\USSEP_OLDRIM_ConvertedAndPacked', 'C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST\USLEEP_OLDRIM']>
Logger Initialised C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST\USSEP_OLDRIM.log
Timer Started 2019-03-28 20:04:51
Skyrim-NX-Toolkit v2.3.1 - convert_mod
Convert Mod, ToolkitPath is C:\Users\James\Desktop\Skyrim-NX-Toolkit-master-NEWEST
Convert Mod, create empty folder at target
Found 0 BSAs & 5635 loose files
Copied 5635/5635
Reconcile HKX
Matched 7/7 hkx files in the mod
Reconciled 7/7
Convert Path
Found 0 dds files to convert
Found 7 32-bit hkx files to convert
Found 0 64-bit hkx files to convert
Found 0 txt files to convert
Found 300 sound files to convert
HKX 32-bit Processed 7/7 (7/0) success/failure.
Sounds Processed 300/300 (300/0) success/failure.
Pack Mod
Files (2123) / Folders (4) to move
Moved Files 2123/2123 Folders 4/4
Cleanup old folders
Build File List
Prepared 2117/2117
Run bsarch.exe
Clean Up
Build File List
Prepared 7/7
Run bsarch.exe
Clean Up
Build File List
Prepared 3211/3211
Run bsarch.exe
Clean Up
There's a plugin-like path in your data, but no ESP matching it or listing it as a merge parent
Build File List
Prepared 300/300
Run bsarch.exe
Clean Up
Total Time Taken 0:02:50.256442

The files created are:

  • USSEP Animations.bsa
  • USSEP Meshes.bsa
  • USSEP Voices.bsa
  • USSEP.bsa

Note, no .esp file!

J7mbo commented

Okay, fixed.

For future readers, the exact problem that I was missing was:

You need to unpack the legendary edition bsas with bsarch unpack. You do NOT do this with the special edition.

Your command is then:


Bit of a weird one. Many thanks for helping me figure this out!

Finally - how do you know it's worked and USSEP is loaded? You can sharpen a woodcutter's axe with the wheel, and you can find this in the first village you get to near the sawmill.