
Doesn't seem to be working. [BUG]

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Convert an Mp4 to THP. The THP is only 80bytes. dsptool and thpconv get deleted after the conversion attempt. I realize embarrassingly that these are only needed for building.

Edit: I tried a resolution besides original and it worked. The resolution of the files is 1280x720 so it should work right? They need to be resized to 1280x736 (I think) Also nope. Trying to save with audio checked (these files don't have audio so I never tried it) an error pops up saying output.thp not found.

output.thp is meant to be output by a Proccess.Start() then File.Move'd into the desired output, so some other paramater is probably messed up. Are you using the cli or the gui (also do note I have not maiteneced this code in a while...)

GUI, 640x448 is where I settled, this resolution is not listed in the gui though the files I'm replacing used it, so I thought I would too. The error only happens when using an original resolution I'm assuming is unsupported with audio checked. With audio unchecked, no error appears. Though the file that gets spat out is only 80 bytes. I figure there is limitations. Resolution probably can't be too big. This might be a good thing though, since if I had my way. The files in total would be about 2gb, which probably wouldn't work when ported back to the GCM. I'd give CLI a shot but I don't know how to use it lol.