
Um, crash with Shield Controller.

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I seem to be crashing when I open my shield controller on the server. I don't know why.

The crash log is: http://openeye.openmods.info/crashes/c20579578830f5c1ada0a390edd0acb2

No other mod or anything crashes, just this one block. It's happened twice.

And all of a sudden, no crash. Huh.

Was using it for a while, and then another crash. I had the gui open for a few seconds before crash this time? Still same crash message.

Could you provide the ForgeModLoader logs and the crash report from the crash reports folder? OpenEye doesn't seem to generate very helpful reports

I've had this crash reported before, but what's weird is that the stack trace doesn't have a single line containing stargatetech2, which means whatever happened, stargatetech2 didn't interfere in it.

Gonna close this for now, if it resurfaces again in 1.7 then we can look at it again then.


Really weird, first it only appeared to happen after entering "e" multiple times (trying to close the gui) now it happens every time i open it

@cvelde mind making a new issue for your one? also try with just SGTech and it's dependencies and see if you still get the error (because SGTech isnt in the stack trace)

Alright, can you get us the full FML log?
I'm not going to attempt to fix this at least yet because in the next release we'll have a new GUI system.
However I'd like to understand the issue so that if it's related to the containers and not the GUI itself I can fix it in v0.8, and even if not, I want to learn from it, because that bug is quite a sneaky bastard.

I'm dismissing this as a false positive. If it ever happens again, take your time to report it PROPERLY or don't even bother coming here.