
Still Same Issue.

sharibtanweer opened this issue · 4 comments

Its useless to add close button instead it should be auto cancelable true/false like old progress and in version 1.0.0 its not able to find method in java version i tried all your code it is not implementing IProgressLoadingActions it showing that its not found.

The method added in the version 1.0.0 is manual, this method the user will active for cancel any process.
you can see function in java en the next link: https://github.com/LordSaac/ProgressLottieIGB/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/forms/sti/progresslottieigb/Main2Activity.java

And do you want will use auto cancel, you coul use the option time setup.timer = 0; // Time of live for progress.


This Link Not Working In
implementation 'com.jgb.lordsaac.igb.progresslitieigb:progresslottieigb:1.0.0'
And Also This Link: https://github.com/LordSaac/ProgressLottieIGB/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/forms/sti/progresslottieigb/Main2Activity.java

I Do Not Need Close Button It Should Be Just Like SetCancelable=true/false And Instead of setup.timer = 0; Also.

I see error in the version 1.0.0, but i fixed in this version: 1.0.1
implementation 'com.jgb.lordsaac.igb.progresslitieigb: progresslottieigb: 1.0.1'

Thanks for you observations!
