
[Issue][build] Could not resolve ./types

meditation-error opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

I get the following error using vite to build my project:

error during build:
Could not resolve "./types" from "node_modules/maz-ui/components/index.mjs"

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Running vite build

Expected behavior

No build errors

Desktop (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Windows

Additional context

The final line of index.mjs is:
export * from './types'

In de git repository there is a file named types.ts, but in the packacge installed with npm this file is called types.d.ts
renaming the file to types.ts fixes the error, but I cannot change this file in an autodeploy environment.

Is there a way I am missing to build this package using vite ?

Hmm, that's strange because the file types.d.ts is present in the build.

Can you share your code and how you import the component(s)
Normally, you should not use the components file: https://maz-ui.com/guide/getting-started#not-recommended-fully-components-installation

I import it in my components at the top of the file like this:
import { MazBtn } from 'maz-ui/components'

types.d.ts is indeed present in the build, but types.ts is not.
For some reason my (default) vite / typescript setup does not recognize the types.d.ts file when importing './types'
when I rename the file to types.ts instead of types.d.ts, all works fine.

ah, so if I understand you correctly, I should use: import MazBtn from maz-ui/components/MazBtn instead. I will try that

This fixed my issue.
Although I did read that import * as components from 'maz-ui/components' wasn't recommended, I didn't realize that doing import { MazBtn } from 'maz-ui/components' was practically the same.

So thanks for the clarification!